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- Dwarven Oathbreakers (2020.03)
- Death-Tide Jurakin (2020.04)
- Oni Clan (2020.05)
- Scourgeland Survivors (2020.06)
- Ashen Alfar Inquisitors (2020.07)
- Bonegnasher Gnolls (2021.10)
- Golem Simulacra (2022.12)
- Frostheart Lizardmen (2023.01)
- Faldorn Goblins (2023.02)
- Orcs - Nomad Orr'ugs (2023.03)
- Anões - Defenders of Lok-Badar II (2023.04)
- Ghouls e Abominações - Coleção "Horrors of Rodburg Barrows" (2023.05)
- Dragões - Draconian Scourge (2023.06)
- Sandfang Ratkins (2023.07)
- Vikings - Skutagaard Northmen Saga (2023-08)
- Vikings - Skutagaard Northmen Saga II (2023.09)
- Bronzeclad Greatgoblins (2023.10)
- Noble Alfar (2023.11)
- Rodburg Cultist of Melmora (2023.12)
- Blacktongue Assassins (2024.01)
- Jadeshell Turtlekin (2024.02)
- Raid at the Temple of Ifrit (2024.03)
- The Quest for Goldvein (2024.04)
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- Vanguard Fighters (2024.06)
- Blackcrag Orcs (2024.07)
- Mirmidons of the Death-Tide (2024.08)
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- Rise of the Beastmen (2024.10)
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Filmes e Séries
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- Os Caça-Fantasmas - Ghostbusters
- Meu Malvado Favorito - Despicable Me
- Universal Monsters
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- Wicked
- Pintados Pronta Entrega
- Contato
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- Parceiros
8 Miniaturas impressas em resina padrão premium 3Dink cinza clara:
Avatar of Yrghal (Death knights)
Mob rat 7 (vermin tribe)
Reaver D (criaturas das profundezas)
Xantaras the tyrant eye (criaturas das profundezas)
Lythra, Heral of shadows (nightfall cult)
Heretic aasimar (city of demons)
Fjorn, hexblade (spellbound)
The evoker (spellbound)
ENCOMENDA: Pack de Miniaturas
8 Miniaturas impressas em resina padrão premium 3Dink cinza clara:
Avatar of Yrghal (Death knights)
Mob rat 7 (vermin tribe)
Reaver D (criaturas das profundezas)
Xantaras the tyrant eye (criaturas das profundezas)
Lythra, Heral of shadows (nightfall cult)
Heretic aasimar (city of demons)
Fjorn, hexblade (spellbound)
The evoker (spellbound)
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10 x de R$24,17 | Total R$241,73 | |
11 x de R$22,08 | Total R$242,89 | |
12 x de R$20,31 | Total R$243,68 |


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