
8 Miniaturas impressas em resina padrão premium 3Dink cinza clara:

Avatar of Yrghal (Death knights)
Mob rat 7 (vermin tribe)
Reaver D (criaturas das profundezas)
Xantaras the tyrant eye (criaturas das profundezas)
Lythra, Heral of shadows (nightfall cult)
Heretic aasimar (city of demons)
Fjorn, hexblade (spellbound)
The evoker (spellbound)

ENCOMENDA: Pack de Miniaturas

ENCOMENDA: Pack de Miniaturas R$210,00
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8 Miniaturas impressas em resina padrão premium 3Dink cinza clara:

Avatar of Yrghal (Death knights)
Mob rat 7 (vermin tribe)
Reaver D (criaturas das profundezas)
Xantaras the tyrant eye (criaturas das profundezas)
Lythra, Heral of shadows (nightfall cult)
Heretic aasimar (city of demons)
Fjorn, hexblade (spellbound)
The evoker (spellbound)